
October 16 – November 12
October 16: Gallery Talk at 2:30pm

Uncharted is an eight person exhibition featuring the work of Ann Barlow, Anne Beck, Margaret Coleman, Justine Johnson, James Lentz, Emily Lindskoog, Maureen O'Leary, and Julie Ward.  

The show explores the mapping and documentation of liminal spaces and time. These in-between moments, often overlooked, are periods of waiting, places that reflect a void, a boundary between spaces. Our artists work with these in-between spaces and times, each interpreting them differently, sometimes to symbolize a time before a transformation, to study unseen instances and become aware of subtle realizations, to record the cartography of nothingness, or to map the minute points where one thing becomes another. 

Curated by Amy Joy Hosterman and Margaret Coleman. 

Watch. Learn. Carve.

Aluminum Pour, October 17th, 1:00 - 3:00pm
@ Purple Word, 160 McTyere St.

ArtShape Mammoth’s traveling foundry promotes accessibility in the arts by bringing the foundry process out in the open and allowing the community a hands-on experience. Professional ASM artists and our workshop participants construct a temporary aluminum foundry to facilitate the casting of low relief sculpture.  We recycle aluminum and pour 14 pounds of melted metal at a time. Millsaps students will be learning basic mold making skills using resin bonded sand, and will have the opportunity to cast their sculptures during a one day metal casting workshop this October.