Featuring work by Joan Harmon, Kristen Tordella-Williams and Lindsey Wolkowicz
Curated by Anna Hultin
Downtown Artery
252 Linden St, Fort Collins, Co
September 2nd - 13th, 2016
Opening Reception: September 2nd, 6-10 pm
noun: dissection
1. the action of dissecting a body or plant to study its internal parts.
○ synonyms: cutting up/open, dismemberment;
2. very detailed analysis of a text or idea
To create a successful work of art an artist must constantly be dissecting ideas and aesthetics. What works well in one piece or situation may not in the next. So they must cut, edit and begin anew with the remnants of what was once created.
Each piece investigates either the dissection of an idea or an aesthetic element, and the artists themselves exhibit the ability to delve deeply into their concepts to create a detailed analysis of their ideas through their art practice